Philadelphia Seller Lead Sources - Hard Money Bankers
People that believe they are in the business of real estate are actually confused. They are actually in the business of marketing. Any acquisition strategy in real estate investing can be taught in 3 months time. Once that knowledge is acquired, the person has to learn how to get leads and deals in order to apply these newly learned methods. Then, for the rest of their career, their lead sources for sellers are the most important part of their success. Philadelphia seller leads are the same as any other market in how they are acquired. Sellers have the same circumstances from one market to the next. Many times when investors first start out, they look for run down homes to try to get in contact with. Even though the homes they buy in the future are usually run down, it doesn't mean searching for those homes is the best idea. Those homes could easily be owned by estates that intend on holding them forever. The key is to find a problem that someone has and a property attached to that problem. Some of the best sources of seller leads when marketing are probate, non owner occupied, foreclosures, divorces and retirement. Always proceed with a sense of humanity and care when marketing to people in these situations. People run into problems in their lives and it is not something to prey on. You will find that after speaking with enough people trying to get rid of their property that you are actually resolving a huge burden. We have purchased properties from people that cried at the closing table because they didn't think anyone would buy their home. They thought the condition was too poor and they were embarrassed to bring anyone through it. If you market to the right people with the right intentions, you will find it works very well for your investment strategy and your ability to contribute to the solution of others problems.
Ian Walsh