BUSYNESS - Time Management - Hard Money Bankers
Have you ever bumped into someone who says they are 'always busy'. Then you ask them what has them so busy and they list a few items that you realize you do as well and in a lot less time. How is it possible that one person can be so 'busy' and another person is not, but they accomplish the same end goal? The answer is time management. Business many times also is 'Busyness'. Many people use busy as a word to feel important or they are just inefficient with their time. Time management is about highly focusing your attention and efforts in a smart and planned method. Working hard is important, but not nearly as important as working hard and smart. When you have an activity that you need to achieve it is best to have a plan of execution ahead of time and then when performing the task, only focus on that particular task. Do not browse the internet, skip to other items or make phone calls unrelated to the task at hand. Hyper focusing and learning to work hard and smart will pay dividends in giving you your time back. The most common known book on this concept is 'The 4 Hour Work Week'.
Ian Walsh