What Does Money Provide - Hard Money Bankers
Money is always associated with having material objects and ability to buy them. It is true that money can buy superficial items but by using money only for that reason is defeating the real value in what it can offer. Money can provide freedom of time. If a person has lots of money but spends all of that money on physical items, then the person has to continue to work and have their time controlled in order to live. If a person is able to earn enough money that they do not spend at a 1:1 ratio, then they are buying freedom. They are breaking the chains that money currently has them shackled with. If you don't have to work because you have money to provide what is needed to live then you can CHOOSE what you do with your time. You have purchased your time and therefor you have the freedom to with it as you will.
Ian Walsh215.839.3271