Ken Wellar - What Commercial Buyers Want And Cap Rates Explained
Wednesday, August 23
The world of commercial real estate is a very small one. The barrier to entry is difficult and because of this, the information and details tend to be a bit guarded. We were able to pick Ken Wellar's brain and find out more about what buyers of large commercial projects look for and how 'ca...
Ken Wellar - Understanding Large Commercial Sales - Rittenhouse Realty
Monday, August 21
Ken Wellar is one of the largest names and well known players in the Philadelphia real estate market. His firm specializes in the sale of large multi family and retails commercial spaces. They have done over 500 million in sales year to date with around 250 million in debt equity at RCA. K...
How To Use
Wednesday, August 16 is the future of the real estate transaction platform so it is best to learn to use it. We truly believe that the current method of foreclosure auctions in most cities is dated 100 years back in the way it is done. is one of the leading pioneers in bring the foreclosure ... - The Client Base
Tuesday, August 15 was part of over 60,000 transactions last year which is a staggering number. Within a sample size that large, there is a lot of good data that can be pulled in order to determine buying trends, types of properties, market strength etc. Michael Jansta goes into depth on who the avera... - Tip And Tricks
Monday, August 14 has made very strong move into the Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and New York markets. Using their platform is something that every investor should be familiar with. Michael Jansta is able to give some insight into the highest and best use of the company resources for the outsi...
Vice President Of Marketing for - Interview
Friday, August 11
This interview with Michael Jansta, VP Of Marketing for is a must watch. not only has a large impact on our local market place, but a huge influence over the entire nation's real estate market. combined with Ten-X did over 8.6 billion dollars in transactions ...