A Profitable Marketing Tactic You Can Steel From Robert Kiyosaki
As a new real estate investor you can pretty much say I'm an easy target.
I started learning about real estate investing because I am a huge believer in taking control of your financial future and learning how to build wealth.
Now what that truly means I have yet to find out...Im just starting off :)
But one thing I know, I have a HUGE target on my back which I sheepishly admit says "sucker."
If I didn't know about copywriting and marketing who knows how much money I would have spent already on seminars and coaching. Not to say seminars and coaching are not valid or have there place in the world, it's just their targets are usually people who are new, excited, and have little knowledge about what it actually takes to be successful.
I have never taken a course or signed up for coaching so I cannot tell you if it is worth the money BUT today I will tell you why the Gurus have such effective marketing and how you can steel some of their tactics and implement them into your marketing strategies!
I learned about real estate investing like a lot of people have....Rich Dad Poor Dad :)
Which if you ask me, is an amazing book, which I highly recommend reading!
But just to give everyone a heads up, that book was nothing but a marketing piece. It had great value in it but, never the less, was and still is a marketing piece. The book gave Robert authority in the personal finance industry and the ability to introduce other products such as the CashFlow game and his seminars.
In the introductory chapter of Rich Dad Poor Dad he placed a plugin for the game which, on his part, was smart. So what tactic did Robert use to dominate the world of personal finance?
Tactic #1 Get Your Foot In The Door with a Low Cost/Free Offer and pitch an upsell after.
So Robert created his book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" but if we think he did it just to spread the good word of personal finance we are dead wrong.
This is a Trojan Horse.
Something we all can use when trying to get new clients, investors,followers etc.
Why this tactic is so useful? The target has a low barrier of entry with low cost items like books or reports. If Robert came out swinging with his 40k coaching service he would have only a few people responding. But with a book he just multiplied his audience and can gradually build them up to purchase his more expensive products such as cashflow and seminars.
This tactic shows how effective it is to get your foot in the door with a (low cost/free offer) create some sort of value that your target needs and then introduce what you really want them to buy/do.
So.... this is cool and all but how can you as a real estate investor use this tactic?
Lets take the topic of getting a list of motivated sellers in your area.
Say you are on the prowl for a new property and you want to know who is motivated to sell and sell quick.
You can start by marketing a free report on the quickest ways to sell your home. (Remember you want a low cost/Free offering followed up by tremendous value that will help your target reach this goal).
Once you have provided that value to them, create your call to action! If you have no idea how to do that read this post and have your phone ringing off the hook with qualified leads.
This is the gist of all effective marketing.
1.Know and understand your target audience
2.Provide them huge amounts of value at a low cost or for FREE
3. Give them the opportunity to contact you to take the next step in solving their problem
4. Solve their problem
That is effective marketing in a nutshell.
So learn form the gurus.
Take what you can from them without destroying your bank account.
I hope this post sparked at least one new way you can market to achieve a goal of yours.
As always, if you have an questions or want to learn more, just send me a message!
Until tomorrow!
Over and out,
Paul "Steeling from the Rich" Lawrin