Here’s The Very Best Way To Invest – And 4 Ways To Do It Affordably
Tuesday, February 16
Turn the channel to HGTV or pick up a real estate investing book in the bookstore and you’re going to see many different ways to invest – wholesaling, flipping, renting, you name it. Each one has its merits and its drawbacks, and I actually invest in several different ways because I like having o...
Top Exit Strategies You Should Consider Adding To Your InvestorToolbox
Wednesday, February 10
What makes an investor successful? You might suggest a bunch of different reasons but I think one of the key reasons that an investor is successful is that they have multiple exit strategies in their investor toolbox.Exit strategies gives you OPTIONS. With only one exit strategy at your disposal,...
How To Avoid Deals That Turn YOU Into The Motivated Seller
Monday, February 08
As an investor, the first couple of deals are scary but as you gain experience, you start to get bolder. You feel like a bona fide investor. You gather the courage and start doing more deals.But it’s at this point that a new struggle arises – one that risks your deals AND your investing busin...