Turn Up The Heat On Your Real Estate Plan
November is the start of the winter holiday season. Time for family, friends and festivities. Often we get so caught up in the spirit of the holidays that we may let our real estate needs go. But real estate transactions never stop. People are always buying homes or investment/commercial properties just as much as they are selling them. And better than other consumer goods on a Black Friday or Cyber Monday, real estate is a more valuable purchase where deals can be found all year long. But especially so when the weather turns colder. So now is a great time to heat up your real estate plan.
Got a property that isn't selling? Try different strategies. Online advertising is increasingly the way to go. So get savvy on the tools available to you. There are many websites to get your message out. And good pictures are the best way to showcase your property. Consider spending the extra money by hiring a professional to take your pictures. And someone to help you make that sale, such as a Realtor. The money you may initially save by not hiring professionals, may cost you in the long run as your property sits over the winter, eating into your profits from the high cost of winter utility bills and maintenance. And there's still that pesky mortgage to pay. Get people into your property and connect with them by successfully marketing it.
Getting and keeping your home or investment property show ready is always difficult, especially during the holiday rush. Most importantly, ensure sidewalks are clear for your potential buyers. Safety first! With an investment property you can't necessarily ask tenants to clean their apartments, but fellow investors understand this, so keep the common areas as pristine as possible. With home sellers, the 3D rule is sound advice: Declutter, Depersonalize and Disengage. When selling your home, clear the clutter and arrange the furniture in a more easy flowing fashion. Depersonalize the rooms by removing family photos and ditch the rooster and dried herbs hanging in the kitchen. It may seem cruel to hear that the "personal stamp" you have lovingly placed on your home needs to go in order for it to be more appealing to house hunters, but remember, you are selling your house, not your stuff! And lastly, disengage...perhaps the hardest thing to do. You will have potential buyers in your home that may say things that offend you, like not liking the paint color, the layout, the parking, the neighborhood, the price, etc. But the trick here is to take it all in stride and not to emotionally react. Remember this is a business transaction first and foremost and if you are selling something, you definitely want a buyer who is ready and willing to buy, regardless of their comments!
And buyers need sellers, so they need a real estate plan during the winter months as well. November is a great time to strategize. If you are financing, get a pre-approval first and foremost to see how much you can afford. Line up 10 homes or investment properties of interest, then check off the top 5 you want to see. Get with your agent or other real estate representative to go tour them. Then compare all of your findings to make the best decision. Winter is a good time to get a deal on a property. Many sellers are extra motivated this time of year so you may find yourself in the winner's circle. But don't get carried away with the power. You should NEVER lowball a property as you may find yourself banned from the property you most desire. Though you might be able to get something for a great price, a good rule of thumb is to not bid too far below the asking price. Of course this varies depending on factors including length of time on the market, condition of the property, seller's motivation and, of course, list price. $10k lower on a $50k home is far different from $10k lower on a $500k home...bidding is relative and requires finesse. Nothing is set in stone, but if you want what you want, you've got to be prepared to negotiate and pay a fair market price.
Before you know it, November will be over and in comes December where, in the north, the snowy/icy weather starts piling up, the holiday's are in full swing and you may have visions of sugar plums dancing in your head. Whatever that means!
So plan now for a wonderful winter real estate closing...and let's make it happen!!