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Don't Buy This Property!!!

Friday, June 07

It might seem counter-intuitive for me to suggest to not buy a property. But believe me, I've talked people out of doing just that here in Pittsburgh, PA. Reasons for not buying a property may range from physical condition, neighborhood concerns, no cash flow or return on investment opportunity,...

Real Estate Doesn't Have To Be Scary

Monday, October 30

Buying or selling your home, investment property or business is a huge deal and probably one of the biggest transactions you will ever make, but it doesn't have to be S_C_A_R_Y. It may seem nail-biting and hair-raising, but having a team of advocates by your side will make it less frightening.Asi...

AI and VR in the RE Industry

Saturday, October 21

It's no secret that AI (Artificial Intelligence) and VR (Virtual Reality) has infiltrated every aspect of our lives including REI (Real Estate Investing). But how does it help someone looking for real estate? How does it assist the industry professional? And are there any concerns we should have ...

Should You Sell Your Investment Property?

Friday, April 07

The spring real estate market is in full swing. Don't believe me? Whether it's warm and sunny or cold and blustery where you are, renters are looking to move. As an investor, do you have a vacancy coming up. Or instead of continuing to rent out, are you looking to sell one of your real estate i...

How To Get Beyond Analysis Paralysis

Tuesday, January 10

A real estate purchase becomes an investment in our future so, of course, we want and need to analyze the steps to get to closing.....and beyond. But getting stuck in "Analysis Paralysis" will prevent any of us from moving forward to take advantage of what may be the largest investment(s) we ever...

There's No Place Like Home For The Holidays

Sunday, December 25

There really is no place like home for the holidays. Whether it's in present day, or from memories past, we all have stories of how our homes made each day, not just the holidays, bright. For me, it all started with family and friends telling a story, sharing a laugh or eating a home cooked meal....