And My Schedule Just Screwed Me Again
The original plan was for me to have a week off at home, then back to Mobile, AL for spool up (4 days) and then back offshore for a few weeks, Instead, yesterday was the only day I've had off so far. I went across town to witness some welding today and will have to be there again tomorrow. Saturday will be a day off and then I will have to drive to Louisiana Sunday for a 10:30am helicopter flight back to the vessel.
This completely changes my plans for the rehab, but I am like a chameleon and am going wth the flow. I was planning on doing some walk throughs with contractors Saturday and then starting the demo process. I was going to spend next week getting permits and getting water and gas turned on, but since I won't be here, that can't happen.
My holding costs right now are $77.00 a month for insurance. So now the plan is to put off the rehab for when I'm home for a decent period of time. I think 2-3 months would be about the time were work will slow down and I'll have time to get this rehab done. I might even do it myself. I'm good with my hands and I'll need a hobby when I am no longer working in the field.
For now, I'll get the next 1000 postcards labeled and stamped and I'll have them dropped into the mail before I head back to work.