A Weekend to Focus
It's rare when I'm in the field that I get a weekend of, but it's about to happen and I'm going to take full advantage of it. This weekend my plan is to complete Texas Real Estate Principles II, work on my business plan and create my mailers.
In my late 20s and early 30s, I worked as a graphic artist for a couple of large corporations. In my spare time, I worked making graphics for local bands in the Houston area. It was fun, but more importantly, it taught me the importance of marketing and branding for a business/band. Consistency is important because it gives the customer something to recognize, whether it's a logo, a design, a mascot or a color scheme. I decided to use a mascot and even though I have a background in design, I decided to use the designer that I used when I owned my kickboxing gym. Since I decided I'm using mailers (specifically postcards) and my plan was to mail out on a monthly basis, I wanted something quirky and fun that people would remember. So by the end of today, the mascot for The Preppy Panda (website to come) will be completed so I can design my cards.
Because I also want to be taken seriously as a property investor, The Preppy Panda site will forward to my investment website. I'm researching website developers later to have both sites designed.
Am I going about this correctly? Am I setting myself up for success? Am I spending too much on setting things up? Who know and only time will tell.
Completed Task From Yesterday:
Preppy Panda Mascot design picked. Final yet to come.
Researched joint venture agreement in case I go the partner route.
Forum post Mail Marketing Lists
Podcasts 31, 33 and 34
Checked on DBA paperwork. Need to print, sign and return paperwork to LegalZoom.
Competed Units 1-4 Texas Real Estate Principles II.
Decided on mailing list company Yellow Letters
Decided on using VistaPrint for postcards.