Jumping in with Both Feet
Friday was my last day of my 20 year career as a software developer. It was bittersweet, because SketchUp/Trimble were wonderful places to work--rewarding, challenging, and usually fun. But I had The Epiphany and though I felt lucky to be in such a great career, I also wanted more time for things like travel, family, and hobbies. A lot more time. I realize it seems reckless, but I have a good plan, I completed one flip and have another that just closed, and most importantly I have 2 years salary to give me ample time to make it happen. Well, really what's most important is that I'm
So on Monday I started working full time with an experienced real estate investor doing exactly what I wanted to do, which is advice that I've heard over and over as the best way to get started. I'm jumping in with both feet and not looking back.