Jumping in with Both Feet
Thursday, November 05
Friday was my last day of my 20 year career as a software developer. It was bittersweet, because SketchUp/Trimble were wonderful places to work--rewarding, challenging, and usually fun. But I had The Epiphany and though I felt lucky to be in such a great career, I also wanted more time for thin...
The Campaign
Sunday, September 20
For a few months I had been listening to various podcasts about how to invest in real estate, and soaking it up like a sponge. I was getting an education. It was inspiring--so many ideas, so many possibilities. But it was entirely academic. I was learning the lingo, but didn't really understa...
The Epiphany
Monday, September 07
I hadn't read a book about it. I didn't know anyone that had done it. I thought people that did it spent all their time on a job site wearing a construction hat. I thought it was hard, risky, and took special training. I had no idea where to start."It" was flipping houses. Sure, I knew it ha...