What Is A Contract For Deed?
Monday, July 20
WHAT IS A CONTRACT FOR DEED? – A contract for deed is an alternative financing agreement inwhich the seller finances the sale of the property rather than a lender. As with traditional forms offinancing, the buyer takes possession of the home after the closing of the sale. When buying a homethroug...
Is Your Rental Under Priced?
Monday, July 20
The Importance of Pricing it RightBefore we even go into a discussion about price, it’s important that we first consider the cost ofvacancy. In any given year there are 12 months to rent a property. Whether you are counting ayear from when you begin to market the property or from the start of a c...
Are Property Management Companies Worth The Money?
Monday, July 20
There are many things in life that a person could do but they choose not to because of limitedskills, constraints of their time and/or money, or a multitude of other reasons. Renting yourhome is usually considered a job for the professional, unless you are willing to make thenecessary sacrifices ...