Sustainable World through Design, Development and Construction
Monday, July 27
THOR Sustainability (TSI) offers holistic evaluations and solutions to reduce energy and utility use while optimizing human activity within the built environment.SERVICESAs part of providing a holistic and single source of responsibility for sustainable evaluations and improvements, TSI offers th...
Partnership – Do’s and Don’ts
Monday, July 20
Being in a partnership is very similar to most relationships. Some people are better at sharing than others. Having a twin brother, I got used to sharing everything starting with a womb to a bunkbed. I think I was genetically predisposed to partnerships and have always found strength in numbers. ...
Real Estate Rental Tax Deductions
Monday, July 20
Disclaimer: I am not a tax attorney or CPA, this is meant to be general advice. Be sure to consult a tax professional before proceeding.The most substantial items that become tax deductions are: Mortgage Interest Property Taxes Repairs and Maintenance Home Improvements Depreciation OtherMortgage ...
Depreciation Deduction Details
Monday, July 20
Depreciation is the key to taxation for real estate investors. Its the deduction that is unlike any other in that you are allowed to take a paper loss on an expense that you haven’t actually written a check for. In other words the perceived loss in value because of wear and tear on the property...
Legal Liability Concerns
Monday, July 20
Disclaimer: I am not an attorney and this is not intended to be legal advice. I am a licensed real estate broker and property investor offering only general advice. For specific help for your personal investment strategy, please seek the guidance of an attorney in your area.The Fear – Every prope...
Rent Ready Condition
Monday, July 20
Rent Ready Condition – To know what the right improvements are is to understand the tenant mindset. There are certain improvements known to give you the most bang for your buck. Tenants are not responsible for the cost of the repairs to the furnace or the roof. They don’t find value in your new w...