How to Make $$$ with Your Mobile Home Park
Thursday, November 04
Although it has taken us literally thousands of pages to describe how to do due diligence and operate mobile home parks effectively, the general theory on how to make money with mobile home park investments could fit on the back of an envelope. These are the few, simple steps to making money...
How to Properly Charge Late Fees in a Mobile Home Park
Wednesday, November 03
Mobile home park tenants are not rich. Most of them live from paycheck to paycheck. As a result, they frequently don't pay their bills on time sometimes at all. To motivate these tenants to pay their lot rent on time, you must enact a late fee for rent that is not received by the due date. Ho...
How to Enforce the Rules in Your Mobile Home Park
Tuesday, November 02
Many park owners feel that it is their duty as the owner to rule with an iron hand. They think that they can cure all of the park's ills with rule after rule. At many parks, the rules section is longer than the lease itself. But is the park any better off with "rules phobia"? I have tested ...
How to Name Your Mobile Home Park
Thursday, October 28
Nothing is more disconcerting than approaching a nice manufactured home community and seeing that the name on the sign is "Roll-a-coach" or "Mobile Heaven". If it is not bad enough that the industry is constantly battling the stigma of being lesser quality housing, let's just beat our custome...
There is a Storm Brewing in Mobile Home Parks
Monday, October 25
Like all forms of real estate, mobile home parks have had about a decade-long run of easy financing and low cap rates. However, those good old days are over. And the result can be some of the best yielding mobile home park deals since the first trailer rattled down the interstate. Here's our...
Evaluate a Mobile Home Park By the Grass
Thursday, October 21
Of all the barometers of park performance, from a profit and loss statement to the annual license renewal, one of the crudest and simplest is the fine art of analyzing grass. Because you can tell a lot about a mobile home park just from looking at the grass. The simplest first questio...