Mobile Home Parks VS. RV Parks
Thursday, January 06
When considering the purchase of a mobile home park as compared to an RV park there are many factors to consider. While mobile home parks and RV parks are often sold by the same brokers and are combined in one facility, they are not the same and both req...
Mobile Home Parks VS. Apartments
Wednesday, January 05
1. There has always been and will always be a need for affordable housing. The typical mobile home park is just that affordable housing. 2. It is typically accepted that the average operating expenses for a mobile home park are usually around 35-40% ...
Mobile Home Park Leasing Options
Tuesday, January 04
Why leases with an option to buy may be a better way to go for sellers and buyers. Instead of an outright purchase of a Mobile Home or RV Park, a lease with the option to buy can make more deals happen. Here are some benefits that often occur in these type tra...
Valuing a Mobile Home Park
Sunday, January 02
I want to know how many lots there are, how many are occupied and paying, what the lot rent is, what expenses the owner is paying, and who is responsible for the water lines, sewer lines, and roads. A good rule of thumb that I use to start with is that I take...
Selling Your Park? We Have Tips!
Friday, December 31
One question we frequently get from individuals and companies that are listing their mobile home park for sale on our site is "How much information should I include in my listing to be posted"?We have always taken the stance that you can place as little or as much information on the site and will...
Being Soft on Collections Doesn't Help Anyone
Thursday, December 30
When I first got in the mobile home park business, I was very inexperienced in collections. My natural instinct was to be nice to my customers and never offensive. So when I first encountered customers who would not pay their rent, I did not want to offend them by filing evictions. Instead I trie...