How to do direct mail with no money
Sounds great right? Being able to do direct mail with literally no money! In a perfect world, that would be the case. However, this is not a perfect world. It does take money to do direct mail.
What if you have no money? There is one thing you can do to obtain money to launch a direct mail campaign. Look around your house? What is in your house that you do not need? For me it was a huge stack of video games, old gaming consoles, and other miscellaneous items.
More than likely, you have at least $500 worth of stuff that you keep around and for what reason? Sell it, and boom, you have money to start your direct mail campaign. I challenge you to walk around your house, look for stuff that you do not need, and sell it. Start putting your money to good use!
Comments (2)
Ha! This is great, Devan. It's true, too! People feel held back by the cost of $500 yet they probably have a lot of stuff sitting around that they can sell. I know a few very serious investors who would have done this in a heartbeat if they had to start over with no money in their pockets. It reminds of the saying attributed to Hannibal, "I will either find a way or make one."
Kent Clothier, almost 9 years ago
love it!
Ryan Rogers, almost 9 years ago