How to do direct mail with no money
Monday, July 20
Sounds great right? Being able to do direct mail with literally no money! In a perfect world, that would be the case. However, this is not a perfect world. It does take money to do direct mail. What if you have no money? There is one thing you can do to obtain money to launch a direct mail campai...
Would you live in your rental unit?
Tuesday, June 30
It's a simple question, but I think it's a very important question that all landlords need to ask themselves. As landlords, we try to cut corners and reduce expenses. For example, we put in carpet instead of tile. We put in laminate counters instead of granite. Window units over HVAC. We all do i...
Multifamily exposed
Monday, June 29
Multifamily is buying more than 1 unit and just putting paint and carpet in and having it rented the next day right? WRONGHere is my first multifamily deal:It is a quadplex in Nashville. Four Units: 3 of which are 2/1, 1 is a 1/1.We purchased at $105,000 from a wholesaler. They said 5-7k in repai...
Wholesaling Successfully
Monday, June 29
Throughout my time as an investor, I have noticed one common theme with most wholesalers. It is not that they do not market well or know how to talk to seller. Their "deals" are not true deals. How do you become a successful wholesaler? That answer is simple: 1. Learn how to evaluate a deal!!! I ...
The secret to networking on biggerpockets
Wednesday, June 10
Is it being an dick to other members on the site? ABSOLUTELY NOT. I don't care if you are a seasoned investor or someone who doesn't even know what wholesaling is yet. Do not be a prick to others on the website. If you leave condescending remarks to a post, I guarantee you that everyone on that f...
Why You Should Always Answer the Phone
Thursday, May 28
The simplest thing you can do to generate more leads in your business is ANSWER THE PHONE!If an unknown number calls you, DO NOT let it go to voicemail. Answer the phone promptly and politely. If it is a homeowner calling you to chew you out about a yellow letter they received in the mail, who ca...