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Posted about 7 years ago

Dream Verse Action Steps

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The ability to dream is something that the human mind does every single day, and the thoughts and beliefs are endless. This is something that is amazing, and is truly great for human beings existence.

“Not all dreamers are winners, but all winners are dreamers.” Mark Gorman

It’s a spark that has brought us to the places we are today in technology, innovation, real estate, and everything else we have. The inspired people in life that just dream and dream some more, then put action to those dreams are the true innovators. It is hard to imagine a world without an iPhone, Airbnb or Uber.

The one thing that these inventors, entrepreneurs, and even investors in real estate have is action. The key ingredient of success in life is not dreaming, but dreaming plus action. There are many different personality traits that come along with that, but action is the biggest factor in making a person successful verses unsuccessful. A person can dream all day and night, but if they do not put a plan together and attack it, then they do not stand a chance. At the end of the day it’s the people that put forth effort and action to get those dreams to become a reality.

“Never reduce a target. Instead, increase actions.” Grant Cardone

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The Dreamers

There is dreaming and there is the dark side of dreaming; it’s the side that everyone talks about. It’s the side that people get stuck in and never return to reality of actually acting on their dreams. When people dream, there should be that take away of “action,” from the dream that it is actually a possibility if you put your mind to it and do it! It’s just a thought, a dream, a wish and a prayer if there is nothing after any of those aspirations.

“People are capable, at any time in their lives of doing what they dream of.” The Alchemist

Dreams do not create the money to invest in those properties to make that $10K of passive income a month; it’s the hard work in action behind the dream that produces those results. The difference between the two is black and white, no two ways about it. It’ll happen and things will prosper, it’s that action that needs to be set into place that will be the difference maker. Create your own destiny and know that this is not the last stop if you hit a speed bump. There are many hardships along the way, just keep on pushing. I would take being an action taker any day over option of being a dreamer that is why I choose to take action on those dreams that have crossed my mind so many times.

Taking Action

Let’s use the common number of $10,000 passive income a month that a lot of people talk about getting to in real estate investing. This number sounds great and it is motivating to dream about, but it takes the ability to see that the hurdles that will be faced along the way as speed bumps and not walls! Many different things change your mind while getting up the courage to chase that dream and the speed bumps that are camouflage as walls are the cornerstones of hindrances to creating that dream a reality. That is the main reason why people do not tackle their dreams head on!

While it maybe hard to get into a position that actually makes sense to move forward and create that action step; it ultimately should be done. The reason that action is so hard is because that person has to set outside of their comfort zone to get to that goal. Not just a little amount of action, but a lot and that’s hard to swallow.

There really is nothing else that will change the trajectory of a person’s outcome more than the action plan. If it needs to be written down, then write it down, or do whatever it takes to get to that dream, but not committing to a great action does mean something different than an outcome of $10K in passive income. If it were as easy as dreaming than everyone would be above average in the world and making more than just the passive income amount.

“One cannot think crooked and walk straight.” Unknown

Continue to build that action on top of the last action step till you build that momentum that is unstoppable. Dreaming is great because it will push you to the most of action! Keep it all up and you will succeed.

What dreams do you have? What made you want to take that action step?
