The Power of Positivity
As I sit here typing my first blog post, I remind myself of how important positivity is in both my real estate endeavors as well as in my life as a whole. Keeping a positive attitude and an optimistic outlook are two things that can push a person into unimaginable success.
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right.” Henry Ford
The ability to gain a better position in a job, career, or really any circumstance in life comes down mental tenacity, which I believe includes optimism. This theory can be applied to anything, including something as vast as real estate investing. Optimism plays a huge role in real estate investing because through every trial and tribulation an investor must continue to persevere until they reach the light at the end of the tunnel.
There have been many times in my life where I have struggled. The reality of my struggle surfaced very early in my life. When I was in grade school, I was placed in special reading and spelling classes because my reading and spelling skills were not at the grade level they should have been at. In fact, my reading and spelling capabilities were significantly lower than the majority of the kids in my school. This was devastating to me, but I knew that I would not be held down because of my learning disability.
I knew that I was capable of so much more and I voiced that to my parents and teachers on a regular basis. I translated that passion to succeed into action and managed to move out of all the lower level classes except for one by my senior year. I then graduated and went on to receive both my Associate’s and Bachelor’s Degree. By the time I was twenty-two I had landed a full time career working as a firefighter and later found my passion for real estate. Despite my setbacks, I was able to forge ahead and accomplish the goals I had created for myself.
The translation:
I speak about these educational hardships because they are more of an asset than a liability for me. Even while struggling academically, I knew that I was still going to be successful. It was my optimism and positive attitude that got me to where I am today.
Real estate has its own hills and valleys. As an investor, one needs to use the failed moments as teaching lessons for the future. Many aspects of real estate investing will knock down even the most diligent person which is why a person’s attitude may at many times be their saving grace.