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The Challenges of The Knock

Saturday, December 17

Related: Tax Deed Auction Investing and Door Knocking Your Way to $20MM in SalesDoor knocking is not for everyone, but it can be effective in certain markets, the more you try it, and the more you convey your message to the people answering the door, will increase your odds by getting better at y...

​The Riches are in The Niches

Monday, October 31

Related: The New Real Estate NicheMany people think that a large amount of action in many different markets is the way to make the biggest impact, and produce the best profits. This is a misconception that many different investors, entrepreneurs, business owners and real estate professionals fall...

5 Tips for Home Buyers

Saturday, October 22

Related: Realtors and Investors, Pain or Gain?These are five tips that buyers should do prior to buying a home. As a buyer it can be confusing on what to do, and where to go when starting out on buying a house. These can set a great foundation on what to look for when starting!Before Buying, Get ...

What to Think About When Structuring a Deal with Partners

Monday, October 10

There are many different ways to structure a partnership. It would be great to have one way to define exactly what steps to take to execute the structure of the partnership; however, there are multiple people involved that may want to perform the deal completely different than another member. Dif...

5 Expenses When Selling a Home

Sunday, June 12

When it is time to sell a home there are expenses that are paid out by the seller, and the buyer; however, the seller pays a higher amount than the buyer does. This post is to show what expenses a current and future seller will incur on their real estate sale.1. Agent Fees Real estate agent fees,...

An Emergency Fund For A Rainy Day

Monday, May 30

As a business owner, real estate agent, accountant, bank manager, web developer, or in any other line of work, it is very important to have a financial plan and keep to the plan to create an environment of proactivity verses reactivity. The best line of defense of creating an environment of proac...