Dedicate Yourself To Real Estate Early On
Came close to having my first deal a few weeks about but it didn't quite work out! Yes, I am excited. I am excited because I did something, and then something happened because of what I did. Are you following me?
Although its been 2 months and no actual home run deal, I have learned a lot. Each day I try and do something related to RE and my mentor makes sure that happens. With little tasks here and there and weekly meetings he has helped me a great deal so far. Not to mention others I have connected with along the way.
I attended a local REIA meeting and from there ended up having a hour long phone conversation with an investor who is willing to wither lend money on a deal or work one with me. To be honest, I have stumbled across money but no deals. Looks like money isn't the hardest thing to find in this business. The real challenge is finding great deals!
Somethings that I think are super important
1. Write Down Your Goals - Read it everyday
2. Reach out to others in the business introduce yourself and ask questions
3. Be Honest
4. Like Brandon Turner and others have said "Analyze Deals"
That is all for now, just remember to stay positive. Use BiggerPockets.com as a build block, trust me. It has gotten me a lot further than I would have been in these two months if I were doing it alone.