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Posted over 9 years ago

So A Week Goes By

Okay, so for all intensive purposes I am considering Wednesday May 20th 2015 my first day as a newbie Investor (btw, it is the day I joined BP). I started reading blogs, listening to podcasts and trying to engage as much as possible right away. 

I have connected with a few people since I joined, and am actually speaking with them on a daily basis. Asking questions, sharing ideas and just starting dialogue. One of my goals as an investor starting out. I am pretty proud of myself and really appreciate the open conversations.

I also set up a meeting with a local investor. After spending about 2 hours on the phone we set up a meeting this week (which happens to be tomorrow) to sit down and see how we can find a way to help one another accomplish our goals. Him being a seasoned investor looking to grow and me being an aspiring investor. I have also started conversations with others on BP and reached out to quite a few people.

I even dug up an old business card of an attorney that worked with the company I used to work for. He was always very nice and I thought it would be a good idea to reach out and tell him what I am doing and ask if he would be able to give me advice. He remembered me and was happy to speak with me and I will be sitting down to speak with him later this week as well (Friday)... I was shocked! 

Not bad for my first week huh? I think I did okay.

I will be out of town next week June 1st-5th but after that I hope to really get things rolling and maybe reach out to some sellers. 

Comments (4)

  1. Thanks for the advice, I would love to join my local REIA's but the times they meet doesn't go well with my work schedule. 

  2. Since your in the beginning phase of building your Real Estate Network, I would like to suggest you tap into your local real estate Investors Association and local meet-up groups.  You would have an opportunity to meet other newbie investors and seasoned investors  face to face.  During that time you could discuss the business and have your questions answered.  Other investors, sometimes like to help others investors succeed. 

    Remember, the old adage "People like to do business, with people they Know, Like, and Trust." Good Luck!

  3. Keep up the good work Yasmine. My mission for this year was to do one thing every day related to R.E.I. Keep taking action.

    1. Thank you Scott, I figured as long as I am doing SOMETHING REI related and as long as I try to take at least one step forward each day I will have great success.