Okay, I spent money! Phew, glad that's over!
Today I took my first leap of faith (or at least it feels like it). I purchased an absentee owner list of 1000 names in my local market. I am not sure how I am going to structure my mailing but I have an idea.
For some it may not seem like much but for me it's pretty major.
So here is how it happened. THREE days ago I became a member of BP. I am completely addicted already. I started listening to podcast and came across episode 116. From there I went to Nasar's page and watched a few of his videos. He mentioned a site called flipthisrealestatelist.com.
Long story short, I ended up on the phone with the owner of the site the next day... (today) and I decided to purchase my first list from him. Although I would have liked to have gone with the more expensive option I understand that it is OKAY to start off where I can afford it. I will update everyone on how things go once the mailing starts. In the meantime I will spend all my osare time on BP and re-reading the books I've bought over the years. I have read so many books and articles but I am finally jumping in. Super scary for me.
Comments (2)
Hi Char-
I have cheched out my local REIA and I plan on attending pretty soon. I am working on business cards also. Thanks for the advise.
Yasmine Bisumber, almost 10 years ago
Welcome! Do you belong to a REIA in your area? Real estate Investing Association(not 100% on the A) I would start there, make your contacts. Be sure to get your business cards made 1st. Try Meetup.com and punch in Real Estate investment. I have found that it's rare to find a mentor/shadow opportunities. Are you using your own money or credit? The best investors use OPM "Other People's Money", that way you don't lose anything but maybe a $100 earnest money deposit on a deal and then you know that you can invest if your financial situation changes, like losing employment, personal bankruptcy. People tend to invest more wisely when they don't have that safety net to catch them...gl
Char Prado, almost 10 years ago