Episode 38.39 – Christmas & Adaptation to New Routine
– Personal Development –
So I recently picked up a part time gig and I'm still adjusting to my new schedule. I have not read one single page of the books I'm trying to finish. I think it will be a rush at the last moment kind of thing. I believed I've only woke up early to eat breakfast about two days out of the last fourteen. Basically a complete failure in achieving my new habits. However, I'm ok with that as development will take time and a lot of patience.
Meanwhile, clearing out my consumer debt still remains my highest priority. It will probably remain so until the end of the blog cycle, episode 52, which means my silly blog will be terribly boring and mundane as I will not be focusing on expansion or have any new projects to discuss. There is, however, the possibility of the opposite situation occurring. This is the case if I manage to dump project Rocky. Doing this will allow me to recoup some cash and I may use to expand again. We'll have to wait and see.
– Project Rocky –
Last update I received from the mover is yet another promise to schedule the move soon. If this doesn't go through this time I will be putting the singlewide up for sale and hopefully will be able to dump it successfully. If the move occurs, I will proceed to make it a DIY rehab which will be quite interesting to say the least. I have some minimal plan but a lot is up in the air. The upside is that the project is a singlewide mobile home so the complexity can only be so high.
There are many downsides but the most critical and painful one will be the length of time the rehab requires. Holding costs will take some finessing but what I am mainly concern with is that l will be using more consumer credit to pay for materials and repairs. Whatever the case, I'm still looking forward to make progress on the project as a whole.
– Other News –
Podcast absorption rate has been slow. I'm in the middle of listening to episode 119. Lately my brain has just been either too full or I'm just simply not in the mood. Either way I'm looking forward to making it to the 120s episodes and catch up to the current episode as my blog season is heading toward episode 52.
I went to the local REIA meeting recently, which was the Christmas party, and was glad to learn about a one day seminar plus licensing to get GC certified in the state. This will be very useful for any future projects I will be pursuing.
Well, that's all I have for this time folks. The next episode will most likely another two episode combo as Christmas is approaching and I highly doubt I will have any significant update. Which reminds me, thank you so much for reading my blog. I wish you, and the entire BP community, especially it's staff a very very merry Christmas and very successful 2016.