Episode 16 – Flapping Wings
I was thinking about titling the post with some question marks, but then flapping your wings doesn't necessarily means you're ready for flight. Over this last week I felt like I have made a lot of progress. I spoke to one seller, made contact with another investor who works in the same niche, and had conversation with an asset manager of a rather big mobile home sales/repo company. I also spoke with a park owner and left a voicemail for another one.
Pretty good movement I might say. I still did not complete my visitations to the all the parks on my list. However, I feel like I have gained a good feel for things at the moment. For the parks that still needs visiting I at least have some phone and lot rent numbers. Still much work to be done but I think I'm drawing near to the end of my market research phase. I never put down concrete milestones or objectives anyway, so it's difficult to do metrics on my researching period.
Also, as far market research is concern, who can really say they are finished since the market is arguably always changing. While I was composing this little post, I took a break. Phone call from the niche investor above came in and I had a very pleasant conversation. It was very educational and many tips were dispense.
Overall I would I had a good week. No numbers to report but things seems to be coming together. I guess it's like Jim Rohn said “it's not the blowing of the winds, but the set of the sail”. I hope whoever is reading this is also having a good week. On a side note, I made it episode 60 in the podcast. I should be current pretty soon but no rush. Alright folks, until next time, peace...