Episode 14 – Scouting
So similar to last week's episode I'm just doing more market research this week. I visited a ton more parks and have found a bunch more lot rent values for these parks. Although, so far I've been only doing this on Saturday and not much else on for the rest of the weekend. I did visit the mobile home dealer and learned that it doesn't exactly work like an auto dealership. I didn't get much out of the short visit but I did get a website where they sell used mobile homes. Could be very useful for future endeavors.
This coming week is July 4th weekend and I will have a long weekend from work. I'm planning on capitalizing on that and hopefully not only visit the parks but this time get to talk to the residents of the park and get a better picture of how things are. Still some more park to visits and cross off the list. Not sure if I should add more to my list or just stop right now and work on the current parks that I already have.
During my scouting I did see a few abandoned homes so there are potentials out there. This coming week I need to determine what else I need to do before market research is fairly complete. Soon the time will come for me to do direct mailings and hopefully making offers. That's all I have for this week folks. Until next time, peace.