Episode 13 – Market Research
I'm happy to report that I did a few more things this week than last. Yesterday I visited at least five different mobile parks. I even spoke to one seller. Doesn't sound like much but I drove around for almost a whole day. There were parks that I found that were previously not on my list. I'm glad that not every park was easily found since this could mean less known deals can be acquired.
I was a little nervous talking to the seller but I think it went well. I was there primarily just to check out the mobile home's conditions. I think it was nice. I've also set up an alert and get automatic emails send to me when someone make a posting on a certain page on craigslist. I ordered another set of business cards, designed specifically for marketing to sellers.
This coming week my website should be finishing. Once I recover from the website expense I believe I will starting my direct mailing campaigns. I also need to finish making calls to the mobile parks in the list I've compiled. I think if I fill out my list to about 75% I should be pretty familiar with the prices of lot rent in the parks around me. Finally, I need to visit some mobile home dealers in my area.
If I do the visit the dealers on Saturday then I can dedicate Sunday to visiting the parks. I think that's all I have for now folks. At the moment, I am still stumbling but I feel like at least I'm stumbling forward. So have a nice one, and until next time, peace.