Episode 4 - The Sharpening
You know what hunters do before they go on a hunt? They sharpen their tools and ready their gear. I think I am currently prepping or at least something like that. This last week I went to another networking event, connected with a RE agent and even communicated with some lenders. I felt like I did a lot. A lot of prepping that is currently causing me to feel somewhere between excitement and nervousness.
I finally did the thing I procrastinated last week and did some driving through the neighborhoods that I wanted to invest in. It was very eye opening. Lots of things are happening around there and I keep seeing constructions and garbage containers, which mean others are investing there too. I was reading a post on where to invest and one of the suggestions is to walk down the street and talk to everyone. Very cool idea indeed.
I think I might do that next week, maybe. I also have to call some more lenders and get some preliminary work done. And I have finally decided on some zip codes to focus in on. With those zip codes I went to List Source and look up some quotes and the prices were not too bad. Depending on how fast I make progress I might actually proceed to invest in the marketing mailings sooner than later.
Next week should be a little more exciting since I’ll be starting my RE licensing class. At the very least, I should be able to network with a bunch of new RE agents in the area. Looking forward to the day I update my profile to 100% completion. Currently, I am only 80% completion because I have left the niche specialty blank. I feel as though until I close on my first property I should not yet click landlord or buy and hold as my specialty.
Podcast of the week is episode 25. Very cool podcast because the investors interviewed were all new and the stories they shared were very encouraging. That’s all folks, another short post. Next week post should be quite interesting as I plan on narrowing in on my criteria even more. Until then, peace.