The Slow Slow and Even Slower Progress -- Episode 3
Progress this week has been slow. I still delayed what I really wanted to do because of other things going on in life, but mostly it was because of procrastination. My driving for dollars trip never took place. The errands I made up for myself, while necessary could have fit in along with my goal for the week.
However, I didn’t fail completely. During the week I attended two networking events held by my REIA and met a few folks. It was very educational and I feel as though I’m slowly getting a feel for who’s a real investor and who isn’t. At the very least I’m starting to recognize a few faces. I also completed a majority of my one page business plan. I will have to keep refining it over time, but it gives me a very good idea on what to work on next.
In regards to that topic, one more week and I will be starting the RE license class. Still not sure if I will follow through and take my RE license but I don’t have to decide on that now. My next big thing will be focusing on my finance and start talking to a few lenders.No clue on how to start but I think I will figure it out.
Once financing is figured out, I honestly don’t have much left but to pick out properties and start looking for deals. The hardest part will be figuring out what is a deal in the neighborhoods I want to invest in. Think I might start with that famous recommendation and go look at one hundred properties before I even buy my first.
So there you have it. Sorry for the short post. Not much of an update. Noticeable podcast of the week would be episode #14 with Ben Leybovich. http://www.biggerpockets.com/renewsblog/2013/04/18/cash-flow-creative-finance-life-ben-leybovich/
Such an amazing story. If you haven't listen to it, you really should. That’s all folks. Peace.