Buy the House...
Buy the House
So you have done your homework… You are ready for the first purchase…You think you are ready to jump in…Do it!I had been talking about attempting a FLIP for a couple years, just wasn’t in the right financial place to do it, or at least that was what I thought. Come to find out... I’m still not in the right financial place to be doing it... or at least in my opinion. I’m doing it though!You can always say “If I ever get ahead I’m going to do something with my money” For me... Taking that step to actually buy was doing something. Talking about it would never get me anywhere.Now I’m not saying take food off the table and just go buy a house…Do your homework and talk to others (with experience) and see what your options are.Getting creative may allow you to get involved before you ever thought possible.I used equity in my personal home to back a HELOC.This enabled me to be able to buy on the courthouse steps. I know this is not the most creative way… but it got me started. What is the most creative way you have ever financed a deal??
Where do you feel you get the best deals? MLS, Off Market, or Courthouse?