Stop Prejudging Your Seller Leads!

If you prejudge your leads, you’re going to cost yourself a fortune.
You never know exactly who is going to choose to sell you a property. If you’re prejudging your leads you’re costing yourself opportunities.
I’ve had sellers call me with INSANE asking prices and then sell for 84% less than their asking.
I’ve given up during negotiations, marked a lead as dead, and then gone back again a few days later and gotten the deal.
Stop shooting yourself in the foot before you start to walk.
If you’re looking for sellers to meet you at their house with cookies and warm milk with a pre-drafted contract at 50% off you’re in the wrong niche’.
I'm buying this deal first week of Dec. that came from a take me off the list where our answering service asked what else they had to sell.
The even better part is that we got it for $30,000 less than one of our competitors had locked it up at.
What’s the craziest deal you’ve ever saved?
Comments (1)
We got a call from a seller on a house that a wholesaler tried to sell us last month. We've already toured and inspected the property and know exactly what we can offer and close fast. Excited to connect with the seller and hopefully close this deal today.
Another fun one, we made an offer, seller said he had a higher offer from another party. We said, no problem, our offer stands, so if that doesn't work out, we will buy and close fast. A month later, he calls, the buyer had it under contract for a full month and backed out. Sounds like an unethical wholesaler. Win-win for seller and us!
Judy Best, over 5 years ago