Your Reputation is Everything in Investing
We've all heard this time and time again. You only get one reputation so don't ruin it. I'm going to show you the perfect example of why. I got this piece of mail today. (See below)
I don't love this piece but the real issue here is this guys reputation. I simply Googled his company name to see what he was about. Who knows, maybe he's a local guy I'd enjoy working with! This is what pops up:
Bummer. First page of Google for his company:
Now upon digging into the article it seems that there was a group of three or four of them who were basically scamming Rent to own deals. The guy who sent me the piece was charged with a single count of Class D Felony Theft.
I don't know about you.. But if I'm a home seller I'm going to pass on this guys marketing piece. Especially if I'm in a bad financial position! The last thing a seller wants when they're in a rough position is to deal with a scam artist.
Comments (1)
he needs to find another line of work.
Josh Caldwell, over 8 years ago