Marketing tricks
I don't know if many people have thought of this but in addition to using creative craigslist and backpage ads, I have begun earnest work on social media sites and linking them together. I used to do lead generation for telemarketing firms and I have always been told that i had a flare for catching peoples eye and thinking outside the box. I see on pages like youtube, real estate investors only post how tos or specs on their inventory but without people doing keyword searches, how would they see it? I have begun to add playlists and other videos into my subscriptions that when people view those videos they also see the other content I have. With facebook and pintrest and the like, why not like certain topics both relating to real estate and other non-business interests? Does this make someone seem less professional? What ever I am doing is creating a small amount of buzz and me keeping up the pace is only going to make more people notice and the bottom line is more money.
Comments (1)
Hrm, nice tip Chris. I'll have to try this out. I have yet to start my marketing, but I'm getting a lot of little nuggest. Time to act!
Frankie Woods, over 10 years ago