Seminar Sickness
Tuesday, December 29
I don't know about the rest of the country, but here in phoenix we are having a surge of gurus flooding in almost daily. It’s insane seeing so many people offering teaching classes for what essentially costs the same as actually buying houses! Let's teach people how to be financially free by gett...
Networking = Networth
Wednesday, August 12
For the longest time I have been an introvert. We could say its because of poor self esteem, or lack of incentive to socialize but all the reasons i can come up with doesn't really mean anything with what I am trying to say. Whatever my reasons were, I have begun to realize that the high s...
Marketing tricks
Wednesday, November 12
I don't know if many people have thought of this but in addition to using creative craigslist and backpage ads, I have begun earnest work on social media sites and linking them together. I used to do lead generation for telemarketing firms and I have always been told that i had a flare for catchi...
Identifying and Learning from Local Powerhouses
Sunday, October 19
As soon as I decided to venture forth in my career as an investor, starting with wholesaling, I wanted to know the powerhouse teams in my area. I quickly discovered one as then several more in the following weeks. I began to read the literature they produced and listen to their podcasts to better...
Monday, September 22
The first problem I encountered in starting my career in real estate was funding such endeavors. Doing wholesales requires little to no money but there are still costs. Signs and ads need to placed and contacts established. Business cards are cheap but still need money so how to get the money wit...