Attention Landlords: Tired of tenants not paying rent?
This is one we bought a few weeks ago. Here the owner simply was nearing retirement age and was ready to get out. We hear so many terrible stories on how a tenant is not paying the rent, or how a tenant is tearing up a place causing damage. This landlord had a house to sell, and he had to sell his house fast. Solid Rock Solutions Company was able to take away this mans burden and will be a new oppourtunity for a new homeowner. Too often, we hear how landlords are this mean "scrooge" type of people, but that simply is just not true. This owner was one of the nicest people a person would ever want to meet, and he simply could not afford to keep renting the house. His plan was to take the money and go enjoy his retirement. Not all landlords are bad, in fact, most are hard working people who are just trying to supplement their income with real estate investing. Some landlords are just like you or me, but when they get a little extra money instead of going on vacation to some exotic place they buy a rental property. Pretty smart if you ask me! This owner made his money and it was his time to get out. I think there is a lesson that we can all take from this. We can keep driving the same car, instead of buying the current year model. We can diversify our investments instead of "putting all our chickens in the same basket."
Not everyone has a happy ending though, and for some they get close to losing everything they have. We were able to help another person who was facing foreclosure. He owned two properties that he could not get tenants to pay their rent. Instead of losing them to the bank and having a big mark on his credit, he was able to sell his house for cash! He can now move on with his life and start again. Too often, we feel trapped in a situation and some homeowners feel like there is no way out. I am so proud to have been apart of making a difference in other people's lives. To see the relief in their eyes when you are removing a huge burden from them is without words.
Comments (1)
Excellent work Stephen. It is true that one should never put all the eggs in a single basket. Diversification is necessary. Thanks for sharing!
Dmitriy Fomichenko, about 9 years ago