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Posted about 15 years ago

Time for some focus and *maybe* some guidance

I've been thinking a lot about my poor time management and how I'm going to overcome this insanely large hurdle on my own. I loved all the comments I received after my previous post, "So Apparently I Suck at Time Management." It would seem I'm not the only one! Yes, we all obviously get the same 24 hours each and every day, and its heartening to know that many of us still have not figured out exactly how to make the most of them.

I realize that first and foremost I must learn to focus better. With so many different things that need my focus, I have been crazily trying to do them all at once, which is only creating chaos and not results. A month of floundering is enough for me to know that things aren't going to simply fall into place on their own, I need to be proactive about setting specific times and days for each focus area. A written schedule (and maybe even a timer) will be my next order of business.

The second idea that has been rolling around in my head is the possibility of finding a mentor. It makes my insides recoil to even contemplate it, but the thought is there nonetheless. So far I've gotten in the game with no mentor, very little advice, and only a few books and home-study CD's. I'm the type who learns just a little, then hits the streets and gets to the fun action part of the game. I am a fiercely independent person and can not stand to be told what to do, how to do it, or to answer to anyone else. Gee, I wonder why I often didn't get along with my previous bosses! I also really like to pave my own way, learning from my mistakes and not buying into anyone else's "proven system for success." My success will be my way, not simply a copy of some other more successful person's.

But, with the clock working against me and so many other things pushing me back, I'm starting to think that having a little guidance and a little pushing from an outside source would be a big benefit to help get my priorities straight faster. I did manage to start my real estate investment business on my own and got my feet good and wet with all the mistakes and challenges that go along with that. Now that I'm in the water though, I think I'm realizing that wading into the shallow end and really swimming through the deep water are two very different concepts, and that I'll learn to swim much faster if I have a swim instructor standing along side of me.

So now comes the question of WHO I will choose to be my swim instructor. The choices are nearly endless, especially when I have several different interests within the field of real estate. Then there's the question of going with a well-known name or a local "Joe" who is doing well. I do have a short list of about 4 or 5 individuals, but which one at the top of the list varies depending on the day/week/latest webinar I've logged into. I'm very pleased to have connected with most of them through various social media, especially Facebook. I think that seeing the interactions of these people in their everyday lives and businesses helps show their true character and lets me know if they are someone I can A) get along with and B) respect and actually want to listen to.

I leave tomorrow morning for another long postponed trip to see more family this week. Next week (after my return) starts the new daily FOCUS plan and further decision making of engaging a mentor. Gonna be giving myself some tough love and really working to get my top three priorities some individualized attention. Call it my mid-year resolution!

Comments (2)

  1. Sorry, not to be critical...but it sonds like a ot of procrastinating to me

  2. Good post.