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My problem property gets a tenant... fianally.

Sunday, July 12

I have this rental property that's been a thorn in my side pretty much since the day we first acquired it. I bought it late last fall with my then partner, intending it to be our first minor rehab and then to rent it out after the fix up. We got seller financing and used a credit line for the sim...

So what is my real estate investment strategy anyway?

Thursday, July 09

Many people lately have been asking me what my real estate investment focus is. I can understand why, since right now I don't have a lot of details on what I'm working on in my blog. That's because its a whole bunch of NOTHIN' at the moment. I'm working on changing that, new marketing materials h...

Not a "sales person," I like "word spreader" instead!

Tuesday, July 07

I am not a sales person. Not truly. It doesn't really jive with my personality. Which is funny because so much of what I do is sales, in more than one aspect of my life.Even though I kind of detest sales in many ways (shhh, don't tell my ex-boss!), I also can find it quite pleasurable in many oth...

Finding my marketing mo-jo

Monday, July 06

To be perfectly honest, I haven't done very much in the way of marketing since I started on my own with REstore Property Group a couple months ago (my former business partner and I spilt for those of you who didn't know). I've been contacting FSBOs, for rent signs and others that are already inte...

Are you working on your financial Independence Day too?

Friday, July 03

Back in January I set a few broad goals for the year. Not too specific since I'm still feeling my way through this business and wanted flexibility to change things as needed. My two main goals were to quit my job and buy a multifamily building of 4 or more units. Hooray for achieving goal #1! Not...

Time for some focus and *maybe* some guidance

Monday, June 29

I've been thinking a lot about my poor time management and how I'm going to overcome this insanely large hurdle on my own. I loved all the comments I received after my previous post, "So Apparently I Suck at Time Management." It would seem I'm not the only one! Yes, we all obviously get the same ...