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Posted about 15 years ago

Not a "sales person," I like "word spreader" instead!

I am not a sales person. Not truly. It doesn't really jive with my personality. Which is funny because so much of what I do is sales, in more than one aspect of my life.

Even though I kind of detest sales in many ways (shhh, don't tell my ex-boss!), I also can find it quite pleasurable in many others when I actually believe in what I have in hand. Today I talked at length with several people about Local Real Estate Deals Media company. I believe so fully in the company and what we are doing that I don't even view my calls as "sales." I think they're more about spreading the excitement I feel about what this company is doing and where we're headed. Sure, we're looking for companies and businesses to advertise with us, but you'll get no pressure when you talk to me! I'm just happy to ramble on and on to you about all the things we're working on that serve the grossly under served real estate investor market.

I think of myself with Local Real Estate Deals as more of a "word spreader" than sales person. If you choose not to advertise with us, that's fine by me. But I bet you'll take more notice of our company when you come across something on the web, or on Facebook, or on YouTube or wherever we pop up. We're growing in leaps an bounds and the momentum and flow of ideas is almost staggering. Its hard to keep up sometimes! I know that everyone I talk to raises the awareness of our company that much more, and I also know that in the not too distant future, they'll be calling me back asking if they can still get into the next issue of the magazine or get that channel sponsorship on our TV site.

So although I have little confidence for my personal knack in the field of sales, I know my excitement for what Local Real Estate Deals does is spreading. I love just talking to others in the investment industry and chatting about what we see and how business is going. It may not make a die hard sales person out of me, but I could not be more pleased to spread the word while I help Local Real Estate Deals grow a little more every day!

Comments (2)

  1. Done properly, it is sorting....not selling. The goal with any sales and marketing process should be to optimize the amount of highly qualified leads you talk to so that you maximize your conversion ratios. A business is the the control of systems and assets. Without the right sales system in place it is hard to optimize the return on your assets. Sort, sort, sort....Then selling is easy.

  2. yes i agree with your words................ <a href=""> Boise real estate </a>