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"The Networking Queen" Denai Vaughn on The Chris Treece Show

Saturday, January 09

Join me Monday, January 11th on The Chris Treece Show as my guest will be "The Networking Queen" Denai Vaughn.   Show Time is 11AM CST. Call in number is 347-633-9495 Do more. Be more. Achieve more.  YOU ARE WORTH IT!  There are simple tools, tips and technique...

How to Use Social Bookmarking Sites to Your Advantage

Monday, January 04

Social bookmarking has become a powerful tool for many online business people, and you are losing a lot if you do not know how to use social bookmarking for your website's advantage. Take note that almost everybody has been using this traffic generating tool, so you have to make the most out of s...

Social Blogging Will Attract The Masses

Monday, December 21

If you watch teenagers these days they are forever texting each other. I dare not ask what about – but they do spend all day with their fingers on that keypad. Of course I am talking about cell phones and some reports suggest that teens spend more on text messages than on actual calls. Social blo...

Be Seen in Social Media to Get Noticed

Wednesday, December 09

According to recent data collected by comScore, GroupM and M80, display ad exposure on social media networking sites lifts consumer response to your ads in paid search.                Consumers are more likely to recognize and respond to your paid Google ad if they have also seen your display ads...

Can You Track Success in Using Social Media?

Sunday, November 22

Well....the plain, unvarnished truth is this: You can’t. Lots of very smart people on working on ways to track and measure social media marketing success, but to date there ain’t no such animal.  All you can do if you’re going to be active in social media marketing, which you definitely should be...

Social Networking Etiquette: Mind Your Manners to Grow Your Business

Friday, November 06

Social media marketing is hotter than a firecracker, and growing hotter every day as online entrepreneurs realize just how effective this particular marketing technique can be. If you aren’t using social media marketing---you should be. However, a word of caution: Use social media wisely or you c...