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Posted over 13 years ago

Author Chris Treece Releases Excerpt From His Book “Driven”

It was important to me to release some of the book so readers come get a glimpes of what the were actually buying"-Chris Treece An Excerpt From My Book "Driven" Overcoming Obstacles and Hardships To Becoming Successful

I shouldn't even be here. All of my family thought I would be dead before the age of 25. I was more than crazy. I had no regard for life. I truly lived everyday as if it were my last. I would try to do anything just for the thrill. Here is my story. My long road started on January 13, 1968 when I was born. I had your typical childhood, so I thought. I played, went to school just like other kids and got into my fair share of trouble as well. My dad went to Germany to work for six months early in my life, at the same time that I discovered sports. My mom wouldn't let me play sports because she said I was too small and would get hurt. So I did what many kids my age would do at the time, I started sneaking away and playing anyway. We had no cell phones back then, so it was easy to get away all day without being found. Once she found out, my coaches convinced her to allow me to continue playing. I couldn't get enough. I had to play everything. I excelled naturally at football, basketball, baseball and track. Sports were easy until my freshman year in high school. That year it all changed. I came to a crossroad in my life.

To order your copy of "Driven", please visit Remember 50% of ALL Proceeds go to Cancer Research and Domestic Violence Prevention.
