12 Deals Done! (Long Overdue Update)
12 deals.
12 deals successfully closed.
How did I go from spinning my wheels to successfully closing 12 deals?
Here's how...
1. I connected with an experienced wholesaler/rehabber (@Ibrahim Hughes).
Where did I meet him? Right here, on Bigger Pockets. This partnership allowed me to work with someone who had real world experience doing deals, and it allowed me to get access to the MLS.
Why would an experienced investor want to help someone they don't know learn the ropes of the business? Because we agreed that we would split the profits on any lead that we successfully closed. And I was able to find those leads by...
2. Consistent Marketing.
Every single week I send direct mailers to sellers. There is still room for improvement, but I now know through experience that with enough consistency and patience, the deals will come.
I still have a ton to learn in this business, and in many ways I would still consider myself a beginner. But, I've come a long way from where I started, and I've been able to discipline myself to ride out the highs and lows, while trying to enjoy the process.
Hopefully this will help someone who is getting started and is having difficulty putting the pieces together.
If you're struggling to get your first deal... have patience and just keep going!