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12 Deals Done! (Long Overdue Update)

Monday, June 22

12 deals.  12 deals successfully closed.  How did I go from spinning my wheels to successfully closing 12 deals?Here's how...1.  I connected with an experienced wholesaler/rehabber (@Ibrahim Hughes).   Where did I meet him?  Right here, on Bigger Pockets.  This partnership allowed me to work with...

Update - Still at it

Thursday, April 29

General update: I"m not sure that the county I live in (Monmouth County) is where I should be doing the direct mailers.  I've been working at linking up with either an established wholersaler, rehabber or both, so that I can bring them the leads I get and we can pursue the deal together.  I'm mor...

Week 2 - 33 Mailers, some Direct Mail responses + More

Monday, April 05

Week 2 I sent out 33 more mailers today from 20 new leads.  I was aiming to send to 25 leads, but I didn't realize the surrogate office would be closed last Friday (Good Friday), so I was only able to send out to the 20 leads I had gotten earlier last week.I have received 6 responses from direct ...

42 leads and 68 mailers

Wednesday, March 24

I got 42 more probate leads and converted them to letters.  Being that some had more than one administrator and/or an attorney and an administrator, the total number of mailers going out will be 68.  Last batch was 15 leads which converted to 25 mailers.  So, the totals so far are: 57 leads with ...

Back at It - 25 Mailers

Monday, March 22

I mailed out 25 letters today from some probate leads I got last week.  I foolishly got frustrated last year and stopped mailing them, even though I was getting calls/responses.  So, I'm back at it, with the goal being to mail 25 letters a week.All feedback is appreciated.  

Realtor Not Submitting My Offer

Monday, June 29

6-29-09 I went back to get more probate leads Friday (6-26-09) and today.  I refined my search requirements and am now only mailing to out of state heirs or when there is only one heir.  I got 30 more leads which I will be transferring to personal mailers.  I am going to need to combine another s...