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Posted over 14 years ago

Week 2 - 33 Mailers, some Direct Mail responses + More

Week 2

 I sent out 33 more mailers today from 20 new leads.  I was aiming to send to 25 leads, but I didn't realize the surrogate office would be closed last Friday (Good Friday), so I was only able to send out to the 20 leads I had gotten earlier last week.

I have received 6 responses from direct mail so far:

1.  Already under contract

2.  Currently listed

3.  Currently listed

4.  No property in the estate?

5.  One angry voicemail asking that I not send any more letters

6.  One attorney I need to call back

 Also, I called a "We Buy Houses" bandit sign and spoke with a local wholesaler.  He said that he could find me a cash buyer in exchange of splitting the wholesale fee.  I will keep this as an option.

New Total

77 leads and 131 mailers.  6 responses from direct mail.


Comments (2)

  1. Thanks Josh.

  2. Keep it up! You've got to stay visible to make things happen . . . good luck!