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Posted about 15 years ago

Junk Duplex + Probate Mailers


-Went an checked out an REO duplex.  It was in bad condition and in not such a good part of town.  My buyers haven't been too specific about where they want a deal.  They are more concerned about the numbers then the specific town involved.  But, as a general rule, they want properties in solid middle class areas.  I don't think this one qualifies. 


-Transferred probate leads to personalized letters that I'll be mailing out tomorrow.  37 total completed, alot more still to be transferred.



Comments (6)

  1. Eric, post your question in the forum. Chances are that you'll find what you're looking for.

  2. I am a Realtor in Southwest Florida interested in Wholesaling, Subject to, and Lease Option for my own investment business but have been scared by the new law being passed and my possibly doing something considered unethical by the lawmakers when I only want to help someone OUT of a situiation they CANNOT afford and put someone else in there that CAN afford it. Any info on a Florida specific course or know of anyone doings these in my area. Thanks from a newbie. Eric Van Kirk

  3. Nick, I have Steve Cook's Wholesaling for Quick Cash 2.0 course which helped to establish a knowledge foundation in addition to what I had already learned through forums. I met another wholesaler in NJ (not close to where I live) from another forum who I've spoken to a couple of times and gotten some advice from. So there's some guidance and some shooting in the dark. - I just received a call from a mailer while typing this. I'll update in another post. -

  4. Brian, Are you having anyone guide or help you on your adventure or are you shooting in the dark?

  5. Thanks, Josh! I appreciate the encouragement.

  6. Keep up the good work, Brian!