The Road to Success: Getting a Mentor
Tuesday, February 04
The road to success is a windy crazy road that takes you to a ton of destinations. I'm constantly looking at myself and my business and trying to define and refine systems. There are many ways to become and define success especially in Real Estate Investing. Towards the end of 2013 I rea...
A Book recommendation that will help your personal and business life.
Thursday, January 16
My last post about must read books was a hit and I want to share with everyone a book that influences my everyday life. I wouldn't call it a business-only book because it can provide abundant wealth in every aspect of your life. If you live your life based upon the secret in this book eve...
The top three books that all RE investors need to read
Friday, January 10
Real Estate Investor's must read books 80% of US Families did not buy a single book this year. 80% of US families are part of a paycheck to paycheck grind. Is there a relation between the two? Absolutely! In order to be a successful businessperson you really need to leverage lessons learned...
Example of Screening a home
Monday, November 25
I've been getting a lot of leads lately that don't meet my criteria and thought I'd give an example of some of the analysis that I utilize. I know examples are sometimes the best way to learn and be critiqued so I thought I'd share. Example: I got a typical lead call of a woman and a hus...
The 70% Rule explained as it pertains to flippers and wholesalers
Friday, November 22
As a follow up to my post yesterday concerning the 50% rule and the 2% rule, I felt it necessary to explain the 70% rule since it was mentioned in the comments of the prior post. 70% RULE: The maximum a rehabber will pay for a home is 70% of the After Repair Value of the home minus repai...
What is the 50% rule and the 2% rule explained!
Wednesday, November 20
I've only been around a short while here at BP. I've noticed a lot of folks ask the question, What is the 50% rule & What is the 2% rule? I'll give you them with the disclaimer I'm currently not a landlord and am simply regurgitating what I've read here at BP and in books I buy. It's a f...