The Road to Success: Getting a Mentor
The road to success is a windy crazy road that takes you to a ton of destinations. I'm constantly looking at myself and my business and trying to define and refine systems. There are many ways to become and define success especially in Real Estate Investing. Towards the end of 2013 I realized a huge problem with my business and my philosophy.
I was trying to be an answer to everyone for everything. It was hard to admit that the road I was travelling with such desire wasn't the right road for me. It took a lot for me to simply admit that I was the problem. From wholesaling lease options, buying subject 2, and wholesaling I was wearing myself thin and going against everything I had ever learned in business. I needed to re-evaluate my business and become laser focused with my intentions. I refuse to fail, the ship for failure has already sailed port and I'm stuck on this Real Estate Investing island with no way to go but towards success.
I knew at this point I needed help and assistance from someone who has traveled the road before me to help me re-define my goals. I decided obtaining a mentor would be the best approach and really focused my efforts on defining what I could provide to a mentor and what help I needed in return.
I've read and re-read many books on wholesaling, leasing, flipping, real estate, success, philosophy, etc and was a product of trying to answer everyone's problem instead of defining a specific niche and taking things one step at a time. Here comes the solution: the mentor.
Luckily, I live in a city with a fantastic REIA and found a great mentor who is ironically a splitting image of the theories I would like to implement in real estate investing. I talked to him for a few months before bringing my wife to a REIA meeting and introducing the two. Here's a great point to mention that I run my business with the family first philosophy and include my wife and keep her up to date with all of my decisions.
My wife and the potential mentor met and we spoke for a while. She ended up liking him just as much as I and we decided to take the leap into mentorship. Just as Napoleon Hill states, you have to bring something to a mastermind group as the law of the universe states that something is never gained for nothing.
Even though I have a lot of knowledge from real estate books and studying the real estate market while getting my MBA, I approached the mentorship very humbly. There's something to be said about book knowledge versus the knowledge gained by walking the path. My mentor is a fantastic, calm, relaxing, intelligent person and I've found myself looking forward to our weekly meetings.
We've decided to get my business back to the basics and I have began the beginning steps of wholesaling all over again. Although it could potentially seem redundant to some, it will help me further define a system of systems and regain a new farm area.
I feel that getting a mentor will help me redefine my business in a way that meets my financial, family, and professional goals. If you're interested in my progression, feel free to subscribe to my blog on the right.