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Posted over 14 years ago

Google Juice: Location, Location, Location

You've heard this phrase in relation to real estate for years and now it seems to apply to Google juice, too: location, location, location.  What do I mean by that?  With the use of smart phones to search the internet on the rise, Google has found that approximately 1/3 of Google searches on mobile devices contain a location in some form or another.  This indicates that mobile web users are very interested in looking up location-specific information.

Two of the most popular mobile location-sharing services are Foursquare and Gowalla.  Via a simple, free app on your smartphone, these services allow people to "check-in" to local businesses to let their friends know where they are at any given time.  It has also become a valuable tool for businesses to keep up with their clientele and possibly bring more people into their establishment through a quick blast.

You better believe that and are taking notice of geography and the social media.  Twitter has already implemented a trending feature that shows what is popular on Twitter for certain locations.  They are continually working on expanding the cities they include in their Trending section.  Facebook is expected to be including location features soon as well to join in on the location trend.  Since Twitter and Facebook are already being considered in Google's real-time searches, using your location in your tweets and status updates can be very beneficial in terms of Google juice.

How can you use location in your business?

1. Concentrate on keywords specific to the areas you serve.

2. Tailor your blog posts to be "hyperlocal".  You are more likely to get a lead from a few people searching a specific neighborhood or your favorite local restaurant than from thousands of people searching a generic term.

3. Use the location of your business in your social media posts whenever appropriate.

4. Make sure to register and verify your business on Google's Local Business Center.

The same real estate mantra that has been passed around for decades remains pertinent with Google juice: location, location, location.  Don't forget to keep location in mind when promoting yourself and your business on your website, blogs and social media. 
