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Posted over 14 years ago

How Important is Social Media to Your Business?

How important is social media to your business?  According to market research, people who are fans of a particular product on Facebook are 60% more likely to recommend that product than those who don't.  Followers of a brand name or product on Twitter are 79% more likely to do so.  Great word of mouth advertising, don't you think?  At such a low cost in comparison with other forms of advertisement, social media is a wonderful way to keep in touch with your audience.

Nowadays, most consumers expect that a company has some form of online profile, whether it be Facebook, Twitter or something else.  Facebook and Twitter are, by far, the largest social media outlets online at the moment.  In fact, many people polled by the market researcher believed that by not having an online presence in the social media arena, a company was basically telling them that they don't believe in the power of social media and, by default, don't really need the business of the demographic that frequents these social media outlets.  It also projects a much older image for a company who doesn't seem to want to bother with the newest ways to communicate with their audience.  That can be a turn-off for potential customers.

So, what are you doing in terms of social media for your business?  Do you see the importance of social media in not only how your company is exposed to potential clients but also to how it is perceived by them?  Please, let me know.  I'd love to hear your stories and ideas.

Comments (5)

  1. Hi Larissa: A lot of my business comes from my SMM efforts. It's much easier and gets more bang for my buck as opposed to the old SEO methods.

  2. Social networking is becoming huge as an online presence to market ones self. The sheer amount of users that you are able to tap into through social networks is a goldmine. Facebook now has the ability to create fan pages for businesses and twitter is becoming increasingly more and more useful as time rolls on. The sky is the limit basically as to what you want social networking sites to do for you and the amount of people you want to expose to your business.

  3. I agree that social media are really important in business. It can help your business through promotion online. More people are hang in on the net especially twitter and facebook. You found many people using these two social media network. You can market your business here effectively.

  4. Tod - When it comes right down to it, there's nothing better than face-to-face. SMM is a great way to explode your online presence so more consumers can find you. Thank you for your comments.

  5. I think social media is a very effective marketing and networking tool. However, I'm still very much a consumer. I am using BP as an educational tool rather than promotions. Maybe someday!