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Posted over 14 years ago

Is Your Business Mobile Ready?

Is your business mobile ready?  What do I mean?  With technology getting better, faster and stronger and smart phone use on the rise, you don't want to be left behind when it comes to your business strategy and mobile technology.  Since more and more people are using their smart phones to access emails, the internet and reach out on their social media sites, you would do well to keep mobile technology in mind for your real estate website and blog.

Google is by far the most utilized search engine for computer users.  However, smart phones offer more than just Google, Bing and Yahoo as search options.  So many apps are available nowadays for people to access their social media, favorite sites or even different search engines.  Several smart phones offer voice activated searching.  Many of the cell carriers and manufacturers are even making deals to incorporate a single button to access a specific search engine, providing easy and faster access to a particular network.  This changes the dynamic of not only how smart phone users access the internet but also which search engine they use.  For example, if one particular brand of smart phone becomes extremely popular and incorporates an easy-to-use, handy-dandy button to access the internet, we will see a significant increase in use of the search engine specifically used with that phone.

How does this affect your site?

  1. Don't concentrate only on one search engine when doing your SEO.
  2. Keep your website or blog simple, with very few images.  Or, if you would like, you could create a website or blog that is specifically set up for the mobile phone with text only and provide a link to this on your website or blog.  Photos take longer to load.  So, limiting them on your site or blog will keep the reader interested and not frustrate them, causing them to move on to another site.
  3. Make sure your RSS feeds are submitted to the appropriate directories.  "Really Simple Syndication" is just that - Really Simple.  They are also easy to read with mobile devices.

Is your business "mobile ready"?  Now's the time to re-evaluate your website and your blog to get ready for the next wave of technology.  You don't want to be left behind!
